Tailor Sessions To Your Needs

What Is Personal Training?
Personal training is an exercise program specifically designed for you to help you achieve your personal fitness goals. A personal trainer will help you determine what is attainable and just how far you can push yourself without overdoing it. There are many great benefits to personal training.
What Piece of Exercise Equipment ShouldYou Own?
Professional Personal Training Services
Enlist the help of a professional personal trainer to help keep you motivated. No matter what your reason is for seeking personal training, Colacurcio Wellness can help you reach your goals.
Avoid Further Injury
Personal training is a great way to ease back into an exercise routine following an injury. We’ll show you the proper exercises to do to avoid further injury. Our personal training services are available by appointment only so schedule yours and get started!
Rates & Information
- Discounts for 2 people training together
- Call for pricing
- Sessions last 60 minutes
- Nutritional counseling and sample diets included